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Bila tongsan makan, dia a dia tari tali slow motion, klau dah mcm nakang tegang, baru sentap Klau skit2 biarkan dulu, tapi klau getuan, cnfirm ikan lain yg mkn, hahaha Ok selamat mencuba Market Maker Data de registro Sep 2008 Localização Kuala Lumpur Posts 1.760 FXO Acções 0 FXO Bónus 0.000 Obrigado 0 Agradecido 0 Vezes em 0 Mensagens Trip Memancing di LANGKAWI Aktiviti pertama kita. MEMORIZAÇÃO DE VIAGEM RAMAI2 DI LANGKAWI InsyaAllah. bulan Februari ini saya akan organizar. Tengah musim candat é o melhor de sana. siok tu. Umpan sotong hidup. senang jer tangkap Kerapu Um dan Jenahak Nanti saya cuba contato Nelayan2 kat situ nak sewa bot. (dulu saya kerja di Langkawi). kenal ramai gak orang2 tempatan di sana de Pulau Tuba tu. Penginapan semalaik di Pulau Tuba ficou a cerca de RM50 jer sebilik tahun lepas. tahun nie tak tahu lagi. kena siasat dulu. Sewa Bot Nelayan. Besar Gak. boleh masak2 atas bot lagi. tahun lepas lebih kurang RM800 sehari semalam. Kalau ramai2. tong tong laaa. Siapa berminat sila REPLY kat sini. banyak sambutan. saya usahakan. Aktiviti pertama kita. MEMORIZAÇÃO DE VIAGEM RAMAI2 DI LANGKAWI InsyaAllah. bulan Februari ini saya akan organizar. Tengah musim candat é o melhor de sana. siok tu. Umpan sotong hidup. senang jer tangkap Kerapu Um dan Jenahak Nanti saya cuba contato Nelayan2 kat situ nak sewa bot. (dulu saya kerja di Langkawi). kenal ramai gak orang2 tempatan di sana de Pulau Tuba tu. Penginapan semalaik di Pulau Tuba ficou a cerca de RM50 jer sebilik tahun lepas. tahun nie tak tahu lagi. kena siasat dulu. Sewa Bot Nelayan. Besar Gak. boleh masak2 atas bot lagi. tahun lepas lebih kurang RM800 sehari semalam. Kalau ramai2. tong tong laaa. Siapa berminat sila REPLY kat sini. banyak sambutan. saya usahakan. Sambil negociação mengunyah donat Mana bole aku x minat. sy rs anunciar kat cni x ramai yg tau ler. cuba mail tgok FXMalay Data de Inclusão Fevereiro 2007 Local Taiping, Bukit Subang amp Shah Alam. Postagens 1.310 Ações FXO 0 Bônus FXO 2.200 Obrigado 7 Agradecido 3 Vezes em 3 Posts salam bro arialun, kat lembah klang ni ke port2 yg bagus nak mancing ikan selain dari kolam komersil tu, minat tu ada tapi tension nak tunggu ikan sambar kail itu yg memenatkan. emosi lemah sikit, hehehhh Ada kolam terbiar kal jalan menuju ke Puncak Alam, tepi jalan. Jalan seu dar Shah Alam menuju o Puncak Alam, selepas Sunway Kayangan. Em algum momento, você pode começar a jogar o orangotango. Ikan aku tak sure jenis apa .. Bullish Registre-se Nov 2008 Posts 91 Ações FXO 0 FXO Bônus 0.000 Obrigado 0 Agradecido 0 Vezes em 0 Posts Aktiviti pertama kita. MEMORIZAÇÃO DE VIAGEM RAMAI2 DI LANGKAWI InsyaAllah. bulan Februari ini saya akan organizar. Tengah musim candat é o melhor de sana. siok tu. Umpan sotong hidup. senang jer tangkap Kerapu Um dan Jenahak Nanti saya cuba contato Nelayan2 kat situ nak sewa bot. (dulu saya kerja di Langkawi). kenal ramai gak orang2 tempatan di sana de Pulau Tuba tu. Penginapan semalaik di Pulau Tuba ficou a cerca de RM50 jer sebilik tahun lepas. tahun nie tak tahu lagi. kena siasat dulu. Sewa Bot Nelayan. Besar Gak. boleh masak2 atas bot lagi. tahun lepas lebih kurang RM800 sehari semalam. Kalau ramai2. tong tong laaa. Siapa berminat sila REPLY kat sini. banyak sambutan. saya usahakan. Reservar 1 tempat. Tak perna tentar langkawi lg. p / s: Transporte ada utk 5 org 4 Tong coleman ada, minyaktol tong2. Alta Data de Entrada Dez 2008 Posts 56 Ações FXO 0 Bônus FXO 0.000 Obrigado 0 Agradecido 0 Vezes em 0 Posts salam, pergh. br jumpa thread cenggini. bro2 sumer, kalo nak rasa mancing kat kelong, meh ler kat sabak bernam. stakat nih aku dah teste 2 kelong dah. tp kena tgk n tau gak baca pasang surut ar laut. kalo errado tempo alamat balik bawak umpan jerler hehehehe. Market Maker Data do cadastro Sep 2008 Localização Kuala Lumpur Posts 1.760 Ações FXO 0 FXO Bônus 0.000 Obrigado 0 Agradecido 0 Vezes em 0 Mensagens Viagem Memancing Ramai2 Di Langkawi InsyaAllah awal bulan 3 dias atrás pergi. com ou sem você todos Nampaknya sambutan tak memberangsangkan. p / s: Aku gi ngan Bro Mfasd757 jer lah. mungkin Braveheart ikut sama. Termo de responsabilidade 2005-2016 copy FXOpen Todos os direitos reservados. As diversas marcas comerciais pertencem a seus respectivos proprietários. Aviso de risco:. A negociação no mercado Forex envolve riscos substanciais, incluindo a perda completa de fundos e outras perdas e não é adequada para todos os membros. Os clientes devem fazer um julgamento independente sobre se a negociação é apropriada para eles à luz de sua condição financeira, experiência de investimento, tolerância ao risco e outros fatores. FXOpen Markets Limited. uma empresa devidamente registrada em Nevis sob a empresa nº C 42235. FXOpen é um membro da Comissão Financeira. FXOpen AU Pty Ltd .. uma empresa autorizada e regulada pela Comissão Australiana de Valores Mobiliários e Investimentos (ASIC). AFSL 412871 ndash ABN 61 143 678 719. A FXOpen Ltd. é uma empresa registrada na Inglaterra e no País de Gales sob o número 07273392 e é autorizada e regulada pela Financial Conduct Authority (anteriormente, Financial Services Authority) sob o número de referência FCA 579202. FXOpen não fornece serviços para residentes nos Estados Unidos. Todos os horários são GMT. A hora é agora 12h49. Comércio no mercado de futuros sexta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2007 Asian Morning Briefing 12/01 PERSPECTIVA DA ÁSIA RESUMO DOS EUA: AÇÕES: Depois de cortar desde o início do ano, o Dow JonesIndustrial Average mostrou suas costeletas e fechou ontem à noite em seu primeiro recorde de 2007, um movimento que provavelmente levará a alguns resultados positivos nos mercados asiáticos antes do final de semana. O Nasdaq Composite Index também foi forte, auxiliado por ações da Internet como o Google, que quase marcou um fechamento de 500 pela primeira vez este ano, e eBay, avançando na esteira de uma aquisição. Tínhamos deprimido os preços do petróleo novamente, e vimos um momentum de compra movendo-se, disse Brian Williamson, operador sênior de ações da Boston Company AssetManagement. Isto foi especialmente verdadeiro na área de tecnologia, que tem sido relativamente atrasada. A Microsoft ganhou entre 3,5 e 30,70, as ações mais fechadas em cinco anos, depois de contabilizar três dividendos especiais pagos pela companhia em 2004. O Googleended subiu 2,1 a 499,72 depois de ter subido mais de 500 por um período, aumentando em meio a otimismo dos investidores relatório do quarto trimestre para um período extremamente sólido. O eBay avançou 3,2 após anunciar na noite de quarta-feira que concordou em adquirir o site StubHub, por aproximadamente 310 milhões de euros. Os futuros de petróleo bruto em Nova York estenderam um declínio que começou neste ano e caiu abaixo de 52,00 pela primeira vez desde maio de 2005, já que os relatórios de aumento das exportações da OPEP desencadearam uma nova onda de vendas. Nos mercados de metais, os aumentos de preços em todo o complexo de metais de base da London Metal Exchange ajudaram a impulsionar o níquel acima de 7 para pouco acima de seu recorde, com a atividade de fundos especulativa continuando a adicionar grande volatilidade a todos os basemetais. Futuros de ouro e prata deram os primeiros ganhos para terminar próximos em Nova York. As ações em Tóquio terminaram em baixa ontem, pela segunda sessão consecutiva, quando investidores conseguiram lucros em ações de financiamento ao consumidor e corretagem. No entanto, a maioria dos traders espera mais ganhos depois que a volatilidade diminuir, o que alguns observadores atribuíram ao sell-off mais amplo nos mercados emergentes e nas matérias-primas. Não estou preocupado com este recuo atual. Na verdade, janeiro é geralmente um bom mês para os mercados de ações, disse Akio Yoshino, economista de mercado da SocieteGenerale Asset Management, em Tóquio. As ações de Hong Kong também caíram, mas os analistas também continuam otimistas, dizendo que o declínio foi parte de uma correção saudável de algumas avaliações esticadas, em vez do início de um mercado em baixa. Da mesma forma, analistas da China esperam que o mercado global no continente permaneça forte no curto prazo, impulsionado pela liquidez enxuta, embora eles tenham sinalizado uma contínua pressão de baixa sobre as empresas financeiras. FOREX: O dólar apagou as perdas anteriores contra o euro durante a noite, depois que o Banco Central Europeu jogou água nas expectativas do mercado de que aumentaria as taxas de juros em sua próxima reunião. Contra o iene, enquanto isso, o dólar continuou a ser negociado perto dos 13 meses de alta de Y120.45 alcançados ontem, com o otimismo de que o Banco do Japão poderá elevar suas taxas de juros baixíssimas em uma reunião na semana que vem. Volatilidade ontem - com o euro caindo de uma alta de 1,30 na quarta-feira para uma baixa de 1,2886, enquanto a libra esterlina passou da faixa de 1,9330 para bem acima da marca de 1,95 - foi impulsionada em grande parte pelos anúncios de juros da Europa. Após o aumento da taxa surpresa do Bank of Englands para 5,25 de 5,0 ontem, os investidores imediatamente começaram a comprar libras esterlinas, ajudando outras moedas européias também. Do Banco Central Europeu veio a mensagem oposta, apenas algumas horas depois. Ele deixou sua taxa básica de juros inalterada como esperado e sinalizou que é provável que deixe as taxas suspensas em sua reunião de fevereiro, uma medida em grande parte não prevista. Não é surpresa, portanto, que o euro sofreu uma queda acentuada em relação ao dólar, caindo para uma baixa de sete semanas de 1,2888. Na China, ontem, a taxa de câmbio do yuan para o dólar norte-americano foi fixada em um nível mais alto do que a taxa oficial de câmbio do dólar norte-americano pela primeira vez desde que o sistema monetário chinês foi reformado 13 anos atrás. A mudança levou o dólar de Hong Kong e o yuan chinês a compartilhar brevemente o mesmo valor de mercado com o dólar dos EUA, de cerca de CNY7.7955 e HK7.7955 para os EUA. unidade. O marco foi antecipado há muito tempo, levando alguns traders a especular nos meses recentes que a força dos yuans e os fortes laços entre as economias de Hong Kong e China poderiam encorajar Hong Kong a abandonar o dólar pelo yuan como moeda a ser atrelada. Mas a maioria dos analistas diz que tal mudança é improvável nos próximos cinco anos. The move is nothing more than numerical, and talk of a break of the peg infavor of monetary union with the Chinese yuan will not be fulfilled for atleast several years, said Sue Trinh, senior currency strategist with RBCCapital Markets. Traders say the dollar should stay weak against the yuan through today, nowthe level of 7.8000 has been breached. The South Korean won closer lower yesterday amid continued weakness in theyen against the U. S. dollar, but export settlements and reduced dollar-buyingby offshore players capped losses. BONDS: Asian bond markets are likely to be bearish after the gloom in the U. S.Treasurys market deepened last night as a disappointing auction ofinflation-linked bonds inspired a fresh selloff in U. S. government paper. The renewed slide in prices added almost five basis points to the 10-yearyield, pushing it to the highest level in almost three months, at 4.74. Itsprevious peak was at 4.82 on Oct. 23, 2006. Lukewarm demand for the 9 billion of 10-year TIPs in the afternoon came as asurprise, given the relative cheapness of inflation-linked paper in recentweeks. Sponsorship at the TIPs auction was mediocre at best, said Jason Evans, head of government trading at Deutsche Bank. The sale drew a rate of 2.449 for the new 10-year note, some way above the2.422 traded in the lead-up. The bid-to-cover ratio - a reflection of investorparticipation - came in at just 1.67, well below the 2.06 average of the pastsix auctions, according to RBS Greenwich Capital. The result was sufficient to spoil an already bleak mood in the governmentbonds market, which faltered at the outset on news of a surprise rate hike inthe U. K. and stronger-than-expected jobless claims. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported claims fell 26,000 to 299,000 in theweek to Jan. 6 - the first reading below 300,000 since July 2006. Market participants in Japan will closely monitor todays Bank of Japanbranch managers meeting, where BOJ Governor Toshihiko Fukui will make openingremarks and the central bank will issue reports on regional economies. Fukui may not give any clear hints over how the central bank may act at thenext Jan. 17-18 policy board meeting. But players will anxiously monitor theevent as it will be the last opportunity for BOJ officials to send policyindications to the market before entering the so-called blackout period, during which board members are prohibited from making any policy-relatedcomments. Thursday, December 07, 2006 DJ Asian Morning Briefing 7/12 ASIAN OUTLOOK U. S. SUMMARY: STOCKS: Stocks were lower on Wall Street last night as Yahoo declined on news of a management shuffle, Novell slid on a disappointing financial outlook and Oracle dipped on analyst comments. However, trading volumes were modest and there was little economic news to drive the equity market, so there may be little impact on Asian markets today. We have had two days of nice gains and the market is trying to figure out which way to go next, said Todd Leone, head of listed trading at Cowen Co. The next key U. S. economic report will be Fridays employment data. Many analysts expect the U. S. market to remain relatively stable for the remainder of the month, barring any shocks. December is traditionally one of the strongest months of the year for stocks, and fund managers are likely to be reluctant to sell before year-end. In Tokyo, many traders are predicting increasing strength in domestic demand and defensive names at the expense of export stocks based on the assumption that the U. S. dollar will continue to weaken amid further signs of a slowing U. S. economy. However, traders say the Nikkei 225 Stock Average will likely stay hemmed in around the 16400-level ahead of the settlement of December Nikkei 225 futures contracts tomorrow. Hong Kong-listed telecommunications firms excelled yesterday but analysts say a correction is on the horizon given their expensive valuations, although they continue to expect the benchmark index to rise further in coming weeks, boosted by ample liquidity in the market. Speculation surrounding Chinese 3G licenses also boosted telecom shares on the mainland. The Indonesian market continues to record new highs, with sentiment remaining positive ahead of todays expected interest rate cut by the central bank. Bank Indonesia will likely respond to a sharp slowdown in inflation in November by cutting its benchmark one-month rate by 50 basis points to 9.75, analysts say. On global resource markets, crude oil futures slipped in New York overnight as traders shrugged off a modest decline in U. S. petroleum inventories. London Metal Exchange aluminum and copper fell following options expiry during an illiquid session yesterday but maintained trading ranges and were looking to the European Central Banks interest-rate decision later today. LME copper erased Tuesdays gains but also maintained its recent range. Profit-taking continued to send gold and silver futures lower in New York, with analysts tending to describe the situation as a correction rather than a reversal of the uptrend that had been in place. FOREX: The dollar gained versus all its major rivals last night as investors digested potentially good news about the U. S. employment market. A report indicating strong job growth in the U. S. private sector in November caused some investors to revise their forecasts for the Labor Departments official nonfarm payroll report due Friday and helped the dollar rally across the board. Lifted by the report, the greenback climbed back above Y115, while the euro slipped under 1.33. Investor attention now shifts to Europe, with interest rate decisions expected today from both the European Central Bank and the Bank of England. The dollar had already recovered some ground against Chinas yuan yesterday, after remaining steady against the yen in international markets, and last nights dollar strength is likely to continue to work against the yuan in the short-term. However, traders expect the yuan to rise again soon because a booming stock market has been draining supplies of the local currency. A Shenzhen-based trader with a Chinese bank said: The yuan will likely breach the psychological 7.8200 soon as the demand for the local currency is still high. The dollars advance may also apply the brakes to the surge in the South Korean won, which sits at more than nine-year highs. Most market participants believe the Korean central bank and finance ministry have revised their strategy because it would be too costly to keep the won artificially weak amid a persistent global dollar weakening trend. A rebound is also likely for the Malaysian ringgit, which made a new eight-year high against the dollar yesterday, again with few signs of intervention by the central bank. Analysts say intervention from Bank Negara Malaysia cant be ruled out if the ringgit continues to strengthen. The Australian dollar has opened the Asian day lower after the reserve Bank of New Zealand kept rates on hold this morning but retained its hawkish position. The market now awaits Australian employment figures, with the job market expected to have recovered in November after shedding more than 32,000 positions in the previous month. However, any downside surprise would further sap the Australian dollar. BONDS: Asian bond prices may come under pressure after U. S. Treasury prices ended lower in New York trade as the market sold off on a report anticipating robust jobs growth for November. Prices, already down in the early morning session, pushed lower after private payrolls giant Automatic Data Processing and Macroeconomic Advisers reported a 158,000 gain in private-sector payrolls in November. The Labor Department on Friday is set to release the official November nonfarm payrolls figure, which includes government-sector jobs data. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires forecast a 110,000 increase in payrolls for the month. The ADP number was clearly stronger than the market had expected, said Alex Li, strategist at Credit Suisse in New York, and the market sold off, especially in the front end. Lower price action last night was also due to market participants taking some profits ahead of the nonfarm payrolls number on Friday, added Li. Rick Klingman, managing director of U. S. rates trading at ABN AMRO in New York, said people are worried were going to get a (payrolls) number above 125,000 after ADP today, with such an outcome possibly eliminating some near-term easing hopes. Fridays employment data, though, could serve to shake up those expectations, analysts said. Indeed, that data will come at a key moment for Treasurys, as investors are at odds over the pace of the economic slowdown in the U. S. Players in Japan are also unwilling to push JGB markets in one direction before key economic indicators tomorrow. Many participants wont take larger positions before the release of revised (July-September) gross domestic product data, machinery orders or the Tankan corporate sentiment survey (on Dec. 15), said Akitsugu Bando, senior strategist at Okasan Securities. Traders in South Korea say bond yields there could become more volatile following the central bank chiefs forward-looking comments at the rate-setting meeting for December today. While the Bank of Korea is highly likely to keep its interest rate target steady (at 4.50), it could possibly send some hawkish comments regarding potential risks from rising property prices, said a trader at a local bank. The Bank of Korea is widely expected to stand pat, but may hike its policy rate early next year after recent data suggested economic growth may be regaining momentum, say analysts. Tuesday, December 05, 2006 Kelong close for Simsci The close for today is the same for yesterday. index got pushed up all the way to 355.29. STI 2901.99 The IR will be announced this wk and today saw another push up those IR bidders, banks and construction companies. Way these shares are being pushed up is unimaginable. with such hype. my bet is definitely a top this wk. Futures closed at 3509 while cash closed at 3552. thats a discount of 43 ticks. guess many players are so smart anticipating a crash soon. Lets see how things unfold tom. DJ Asian Morning Briefing 5/12 ASIAN OUTLOOK U. S. SUMMARY: Markets in Thailand close today for the Kings Birthday. STOCKS: U. S. stocks jumped overnight as investors applauded a flood of merger news, pushing shares of Bank of New York and Station Casinos sharply higher. Gains in the major Wall Street indexes came after they fell last week on renewed concerns about economic growth and should buoy Asian markets today. There seems to be a lot of money that seems to want to buy (stocks) on a dip, said James Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Wells Capital Management. Stocks in the U. S. did well partly because bond yields and the dollar stabilized and oil prices fell, he added. Crude oil futures gave back some of last weeks gains and finished lower in New York as forecasters called for above-normal U. S. temperatures and the U. S. dollar ticked up slightly. Bank of New York jumped 12 and Mellon Financial rose 6.8 after Bank of New York agreed to buy Mellon for about 16.5 billion in stock in a deal that will create one of the worlds largest custodians of financial assets and a Top 10 asset management firm. Station Casinos gained 23 after the casino-hotel and entertainment company received a letter from an investment group proposing to buy the company for 82 a share. Other stocks in the gambling sector also rallied. Some analysts are concerned that the U. S. market is likely to pull back this month after three straight months of advances. According to SampP, however, since 1928, after the SP 500 has risen during the three months prior to Christmas - an event that has occurred 14 times prior to this year - stocks have risen 71 of the time in December, compared with an average of 73. What that means is, chances are, despite having a good September, October and November, Santa will not pass you by, said Sam Stovall, chief market strategist at SampP. But stocks arent likely to surge, added the analyst. The market needs to digest its gains, he said. Its like sitting down to too many Thanksgiving dinners. The Hong Kong market remains strong, with investors having ample funds parked there on expectations of further yuan appreciation, analysts say, while shares on the mainland continue to break five-year records. Qian Qimin, an analyst at Shenyin amp Wanguo Securities, expects the Shanghai Composite index to break through the record 2245.43 level, which it hit June 14, 2001, within two weeks. Many more securities funds may flock to buy (yuan-denominated) A shares, especially blue chips, in the short term, hoping to profit from continued yuan rises, he said. On metals markets overnight, a drop in oil and gold prices pared early gains for aluminum and copper on the London Metal Exchange, resulting in a mixed performance that could mean slightly lower prices early today. Comex gold and silver futures bounced from early weakness in New York to finish near steady to slightly higher. FOREX: The dollar retraced much of yesterdays gains last night, exiting the North American session barely higher against its major rivals. After starting the session up across the board, the greenback slowly retreated in a data-quiet U. S. session as investors pushed the euro back above the 1.33 mark for much of the session and kept sterling well above the 1.9770 level. The market is waiting for something else to move it, said David Mozina, senior currency strategist at Lehman Brothers in New York. The euro has rallied big time, so the market is just catching its breath, he added. With little fresh U. S. data to trade off of last night, investors instead readied themselves for a slew of data set for release tonight, as well as a series of central bank rate decisions throughout the week. The greenback showed little reaction to comments from Chicago Fed President Michael Moskow, who said that weak manufacturing data released last week havent changed his view of the economy. Similarly, the dollar showed no immediate reaction to news that the National Association of Realtors index for pending sales in October tumbled again. The greenback seems to be waiting for the release of additional first-tier U. S. data this week, beginning with a report on third-quarter productivity and unit labor costs due tonight, as well as the Institute for Supply Managements non-manufacturing November index. The yuan yesterday attained its highest level against the dollar since the Chinese units revaluation last year, and onshore currency dealers expect the currency to extend its gains in the leadup to U. S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulsons visit to China next week, anticipating a repeat of the yuans performance the last time Paulson came to China. The Korean won achieved its strongest level in more than nine years yesterday, but the gains were limited by local importers buying dollars on dips around KRW927. Traders say investors were cautious around that level, but the central bank wasnt intervening because its ability to resist global dollar weakness in the local currency market is limited. For Tuesday, traders expect the dollar-won to move in a limited range between KRW925 and KRW929. While the dollar is likely to stay pressured for the time being, sharp losses below KRW925 are also unlikely, with many local as well as foreign (bank traders) already taking off on holidays for rest of the year, said a trader at a local bank. BONDS: U. S. Treasury prices ended the trading session little changed last night after having dipped slightly on profit-taking earlier in the day, lending little direction to Asian bond markets today. Treasurys shrugged off comments early in the session from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Michael Moskow that were overall upbeat on the economy. Market participants also ignored weaker pending home sales data for October, which suggested more softening demand for the housing sector. The bond market and the Fed seem to be on two different pages, said Rick Klingman, managing director of U. S. rates trading for ABN AMRO in New York. While Fedspeak of late has generally been emphasizing strength in the economy and the continued risk of inflation pressures building, it seems as if the Treasurys market is convinced that were going to see more weak data and the Fed is behind the curve, Klingman said. Hence, the lack of reaction to Moskows speech. In normal times, when the market hears something from the Fed that is different from whats been priced in we react, and were not really reacting anymore, Klingman said. Overall, the activity was quiet Monday. We started off lower. mostly on profit-taking and I think everybodys waiting for the productivity numbers (tonight) and of course the unit labor costs, said Mary Ann Hurley, vice president of fixed income trading for D. A. Davidson in Seattle. The U. S. Labor Department will tonight release the productivity report for the third quarter. While productivity is expected to be revised upward slightly, unit labor costs are expected to be revised downward, with labor cost growth trimmed to 3.2 from 3.8. The unit labor cost data, in turn, is closely monitored by the Fed for signs of impending inflation pressures. As such, a downward revision would be bond market friendly, Hurley said, as it could be taken as a sign of easing inflation pressures. The Japanese government bond market looks forward to an auction of Y1.9 trillion of new 10-year paper today, and Y500 billion of 10-year inflation-indexed bonds on Thursday. DJ Asian Morning Briefing 5/12 ASIAN OUTLOOK U. S. SUMMARY: Markets in Thailand close today for the Kings Birthday. STOCKS: U. S. stocks jumped overnight as investors applauded a flood of merger news, pushing shares of Bank of New York and Station Casinos sharply higher. Gains in the major Wall Street indexes came after they fell last week on renewed concerns about economic growth and should buoy Asian markets today. There seems to be a lot of money that seems to want to buy (stocks) on a dip, said James Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Wells Capital Management. Stocks in the U. S. did well partly because bond yields and the dollar stabilized and oil prices fell, he added. Crude oil futures gave back some of last weeks gains and finished lower in New York as forecasters called for above-normal U. S. temperatures and the U. S. dollar ticked up slightly. Bank of New York jumped 12 and Mellon Financial rose 6.8 after Bank of New York agreed to buy Mellon for about 16.5 billion in stock in a deal that will create one of the worlds largest custodians of financial assets and a Top 10 asset management firm. Station Casinos gained 23 after the casino-hotel and entertainment company received a letter from an investment group proposing to buy the company for 82 a share. Other stocks in the gambling sector also rallied. Some analysts are concerned that the U. S. market is likely to pull back this month after three straight months of advances. According to SP, however, since 1928, after the SampP 500 has risen during the three months prior to Christmas - an event that has occurred 14 times prior to this year - stocks have risen 71 of the time in December, compared with an average of 73. What that means is, chances are, despite having a good September, October and November, Santa will not pass you by, said Sam Stovall, chief market strategist at SP. But stocks arent likely to surge, added the analyst. The market needs to digest its gains, he said. Its like sitting down to too many Thanksgiving dinners. The Hong Kong market remains strong, with investors having ample funds parked there on expectations of further yuan appreciation, analysts say, while shares on the mainland continue to break five-year records. Qian Qimin, an analyst at Shenyin Wanguo Securities, expects the Shanghai Composite index to break through the record 2245.43 level, which it hit June 14, 2001, within two weeks. Many more securities funds may flock to buy (yuan-denominated) A shares, especially blue chips, in the short term, hoping to profit from continued yuan rises, he said. On metals markets overnight, a drop in oil and gold prices pared early gains for aluminum and copper on the London Metal Exchange, resulting in a mixed performance that could mean slightly lower prices early today. Comex gold and silver futures bounced from early weakness in New York to finish near steady to slightly higher. FOREX: The dollar retraced much of yesterdays gains last night, exiting the North American session barely higher against its major rivals. After starting the session up across the board, the greenback slowly retreated in a data-quiet U. S. session as investors pushed the euro back above the 1.33 mark for much of the session and kept sterling well above the 1.9770 level. The market is waiting for something else to move it, said David Mozina, senior currency strategist at Lehman Brothers in New York. The euro has rallied big time, so the market is just catching its breath, he added. With little fresh U. S. data to trade off of last night, investors instead readied themselves for a slew of data set for release tonight, as well as a series of central bank rate decisions throughout the week. The greenback showed little reaction to comments from Chicago Fed President Michael Moskow, who said that weak manufacturing data released last week havent changed his view of the economy. Similarly, the dollar showed no immediate reaction to news that the National Association of Realtors index for pending sales in October tumbled again. The greenback seems to be waiting for the release of additional first-tier U. S. data this week, beginning with a report on third-quarter productivity and unit labor costs due tonight, as well as the Institute for Supply Managements non-manufacturing November index. The yuan yesterday attained its highest level against the dollar since the Chinese units revaluation last year, and onshore currency dealers expect the currency to extend its gains in the leadup to U. S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulsons visit to China next week, anticipating a repeat of the yuans performance the last time Paulson came to China. The Korean won achieved its strongest level in more than nine years yesterday, but the gains were limited by local importers buying dollars on dips around KRW927. Traders say investors were cautious around that level, but the central bank wasnt intervening because its ability to resist global dollar weakness in the local currency market is limited. For Tuesday, traders expect the dollar-won to move in a limited range between KRW925 and KRW929. While the dollar is likely to stay pressured for the time being, sharp losses below KRW925 are also unlikely, with many local as well as foreign (bank traders) already taking off on holidays for rest of the year, said a trader at a local bank. BONDS: U. S. Treasury prices ended the trading session little changed last night after having dipped slightly on profit-taking earlier in the day, lending little direction to Asian bond markets today. Treasurys shrugged off comments early in the session from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Michael Moskow that were overall upbeat on the economy. Market participants also ignored weaker pending home sales data for October, which suggested more softening demand for the housing sector. The bond market and the Fed seem to be on two different pages, said Rick Klingman, managing director of U. S. rates trading for ABN AMRO in New York. While Fedspeak of late has generally been emphasizing strength in the economy and the continued risk of inflation pressures building, it seems as if the Treasurys market is convinced that were going to see more weak data and the Fed is behind the curve, Klingman said. Hence, the lack of reaction to Moskows speech. In normal times, when the market hears something from the Fed that is different from whats been priced in we react, and were not really reacting anymore, Klingman said. Overall, the activity was quiet Monday. We started off lower. mostly on profit-taking and I think everybodys waiting for the productivity numbers (tonight) and of course the unit labor costs, said Mary Ann Hurley, vice president of fixed income trading for D. A. Davidson in Seattle. The U. S. Labor Department will tonight release the productivity report for the third quarter. While productivity is expected to be revised upward slightly, unit labor costs are expected to be revised downward, with labor cost growth trimmed to 3.2 from 3.8. The unit labor cost data, in turn, is closely monitored by the Fed for signs of impending inflation pressures. As such, a downward revision would be bond market friendly, Hurley said, as it could be taken as a sign of easing inflation pressures. The Japanese government bond market looks forward to an auction of Y1.9 trillion of new 10-year paper today, and Y500 billion of 10-year inflation-indexed bonds on Thursday. Monday, December 04, 2006 DJ Asian Morning Briefing 4/12 ASIAN OUTLOOK U. S. SUMMARY: STOCKS: U. S. stocks finished a volatile week on a down note Friday as concerns aboutthe economy resurfaced due to a disappointing report on the manufacturingsector. Advanced Micro Devices slid on news of a subpoena and Nasdaq StockMarket lost ground after an analyst downgrade, but Home Depot was able to eke out gains. Stocks tumbled early after the Institute for Supply Managements index ofmanufacturing activity fell to 49.5, from 51.2 in October, indicating themanufacturing sector contracted last month. However, the major indexes finished off their worst levels. We had the ISM number falling below expectations, and mix that in with the recent inflation fears that weve heard from the Federal Reserve, and you have more risk in the market, said Chris Johnson, chief investment strategist atJohnson Research Group. Another rise in the oil price is also likely to weigh on Asian stock markets. Crude futures extended their gains into a fifth straight session Friday, finishing at a new 10-week high partly on supportive comments from OPECofficials. After Fridays advance for stocks in Tokyo the upward momentum is expected toslow this week as prices will look less attractive after the benchmark Nikkei225s 3.7 jump last week, the second biggest weekly gain this year. Some traders say that unless investors see any signs that could signal unexpectedly strong corporate earnings prospects for the fiscal second half and for next fiscal year, Japanese stocks wont be able to post a sustainable upward trend. Even if companies revise up their earnings forecasts to a certain degree(later this fiscal year as some players expect,) that wont be enough to makeJapanese stocks look particularly undervalued, said Keiko Kondo, a director atUBS Global Asset Management. Declines in heavyweight China Mobile and some property stocks pushed HongKongs benchmark index back into negative territory Friday, and analysts saythe market will be volatile in the near term, with the Hang Seng indexrangebound between 18500 and 19000. The Chinese share market is also expected to be choppy for now, says XuYinhui, an analyst at Guotai Junan Securities, but I think the markets bulltrend will remain intact while liquidity remains high and on hopes of further appreciation in the yuan. On metals markets, aluminum and lead were star performers at the London Meta lExchange Friday, climbing to over two-week highs on technical buying andweakness in the U. S. dollar, and looked poised to extend those gains in thenear future, analysts said. Copper prices fell by over 1. Gold futures in NewYork gave up midday gains on profit-taking to finish with a modest loss. FOREX: The dollar took another drubbing Friday, stung yet again by disappointingU. S. economic data that sent the greenback to a fresh set of long-term lowsversus major rivals. A drop in the Institute for Supply Managements November index ignited a eurorally that carried the single currency through 1.33 to hit a fresh 20-monthhigh at 1.3349. The euro also scored another all-time high versus its Japaneserival at Y154.11. The U. K. pound reached a new 14-year peak at 1.9847, butthen pulled back from its best levels of the day. November ISM was much weaker than even the downward adjusted whispernumbers, said Alan Ruskin, head of international strategy at RBS GreenwichCapital. Data should be taken at face value. that is a material softeningin the manufacturing sector. The ISM index slipped to 49.5 in November, versus a reading of 51.2 inOctober and against an expected reading of 52.0. The reading is the firstsub-50 print since April 2003. The report came just one day after the dollar was trounced by aweaker-than-expected Chicago Purchasing Managers index, which also dippedbelow the 50.0 threshold in November. The data obviously reinforces the negative dollar tone, Ruskin added. Adding to the dollars woes Friday, U. S. construction spending took itsbiggest tumble in five years in October, the Commerce Department said. Totalspending decreased 1 to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.178 trillionversus an expected drop of only 0.3. The data has not been good for the dollar, said John McCarthy, director offoreign exchange at ING Capital Markets. You get the sense that anybody thatwas long dollars said, Thats it. People were just saying, Get me outof the dollar. The break of dollar-yen below the Y115.40 mark Friday was also significant inthat it showed a more overall dollar weakness than only a euro and sterling-ledmove, McCarthy said. There is no question that sterling and the euro have led this move, McCarthy said, but some of the other currencies have to come off a bit, particularly dollar-yen. The dollars continued falls helped Chinas yuan cap a strong week withanother post-revaluation high Friday, and traders say any sign of continueddollar weakness this week will likely spur further yuan gains and erode supportfor the psychologically important 7.8000 level. BONDS: A surge in U. S. government bond prices took benchmark yields close to theirlowest levels of the year Friday, as an unexpected contraction in manufacturingactivity revived expectations for a cut in interest rates in the coming months, with Asian bond prices likely to turn lower as a result. The yield on the two-year note - the most sensitive to changes in the Fedfunds target rate - ended the week at 4.53, having shed more than 10 basispoints in the course of the session. The 10-year yield closed at 4.43, aroundfive basis points lower on the day. The manufacturing survey, released midmorning by the Institute for SupplyManagement, was clearly the pivotal point of the days trade. From midday, back-to-back speeches from Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser, hisRichmond counterpart Jeffrey Lacker and Chicagos Michael Moskow left themarket steady once its rally had run out. The ISM release showed a drop in the manufacturing index to 49.5 fromOctobers 51.2. Investors seized on this additional evidence of economicslowdown as further incentive for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates. Credit Suisses head of interest rate strategy, Dominic Konstam, said peopleare beginning to think that the weakness isnt just housing and autos, and areobviously getting concerned that theres a broader weakness developing. He called Fridays rally the continuation of a powerful trend, and clearlythe catalyst to take us to still new lows. He noted that strengthening demandfor short-dated paper, in anticipation of a rate cut, will push the two-yearyield higher vis-224-vis the 10-year, causing the yield curve to steepen. Tonight in the U. S. there will be unit labor costs figures, factory ordersand the services sector ISM survey. But the biggest deal is nonfarm payrolls, due Friday. Players in Japan expect the JGB market to maintain its solid tone afterFridays gains to multi-month highs as the current supply-demand conditions areseen as favorable, with more than Y8 trillion of JGBs maturing in December. Players are also expected to conduct technical short-covering before the changeof the lead futures contract to March. However, players are likely conducthedge-selling before tomorrows 10-year JGB auction. Friday, December 01, 2006 DJ Asian Morning Briefing 1/12 ASIAN OUTLOOK U. S. SUMMARY: Markets in the Philippines close today for Bonifacio Day. STOCKS: U. S. stocks stacked up gains during November but finished mixed last night, providing little direction for Asian markets, several of which are likely to be more focused on economic data scheduled for release today. Stocks on Wall Street were weak early in the session after the National Association of Purchasing Management - Chicago said its index of area business activity fell to 49.9 in November on a seasonally adjusted basis, its lowest level since April 2003. Investors were also faced with mixed monthly sales reports from retailers. But after staying weak for the most of the day, stocks finished well off their worst levels. Yields on the 10-year Treasury note fell below 4.5, signaling that the Federal Reserve is expected to lower rates, said Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Robert W. Baird Co. Broadly, the stock markets November performance was positive, given that the gains came on top of a strong run in September and October, Bittles added. Investors in Tokyo are awaiting the Bank of Japans Tankan business sentiment survey in mid-December for clues on the timing of the central banks next interest rate increase, but consumer price index data due today could fuel fears of a rate hike in the near future and provide a cue to take profits, traders say. South Korea is set to release trade and industrial output numbers, with exports expected to have increased in November, helped by higher chip prices, while imports were supported by domestic demand. Industrial activity in October is expected to have slowed noticeably from the preceding month as many workers took holidays in the first week of the month for Chusok. Hong Kongs retail sales growth is expected to have moderated in October as the number of tourists from China during the weeklong National Day holiday at the beginning of the month fell from last year. Strengthening oil prices are likely to concern investors in the region, with crude futures topping 63 a barrel in New York overnight and finishing at their highest level in more than two months Thursday, as supply concerns mounted. Falling inventories, a decrease in OPEC output, rising violence in Iraq, and forecasts of cold weather in the Northeast all combined to raise worries about supplies and led traders to bid up futures. On metals markets, the weaker dollar, end-month valuations and supply concerns for lead and nickel boosted London Metal Exchange prices yesterday but the start of a new month could result in losses today, traders say. Gold and silver futures soared to multi-month highs in New York overnight with the help of fund buying, as a soft U. S. dollar and strong crude oil generated enough upward momentum to trigger technically oriented buying. FOREX: The dollar was trounced overnight as investors once again sold the U. S. currency on the back of disappointing U. S. economic data. The greenbacks slide, largely triggered by a weaker-than-expected U. S. manufacturing report, pushed the euro through a series of 20-month highs to an intraday high at 1.3276. Sterling built on a fresh 14-year peak reached yesterday, climbing to 1.9699, while the dollar dropped to nearly a five-month low against the Swiss franc at CHF1.1963. During the New York afternoon, the dollar managed to recover from its worst levels of the day, but remained significantly down compared with late Wednesday. The dollars slide had accelerated following the release of the Chicago Purchasing Managers index, which dipped below the 50.0 threshold in November to 49.9 versus an expected climb to 54.8. Inflation data and a weak employment report earlier in the session had weakened the dollar somewhat, but investors had waited for the manufacturing report to begin selling dollars in earnest. (Thursdays) personal income and spending report and Chicago PMI were the one-two punch that knocked the dollar back on the ropes, leaving little doubt over the near-term direction in the beleaguered greenback, said Michael Woolfolk, senior currency strategist at the Bank of New York. Without any significant technical resistance ahead of 1.35 in the euro-dollar, market players are looking to book some much-needed profits, and are unlikely to stop selling the dollar until they have good reason, he added. The market will digest a second manufacturing report tonight, with the release of the Institute for Supply Managements manufacturing index. It is expected to have firmed a bit in November, reflecting developments in some of the regional indexes. Yet some analysts have begun to wonder if Fridays manufacturing data will also come in below market expectations. Before then, traders will be awaiting consumer price data from Japan today, speculating that they will provide clues about the Bank of Japans monetary policy outlook. Dealers in China expect an increase in volatility due to a year-end surge in volume. One Shanghai-based trader says the Big Four state-owned Chinese banks and large foreign lenders appear to have increased their trading activity, probably to meet the competing, seasonal demands of local exporters as well as multinationals repatriating revenue. I think maybe some big commercial flows are going through the market close to years end, the trader said. Well see probably a further increase in volatility. In South Korea, the dollar closed below KRW930 yesterday for the first time in two weeks as the government apparently eased its efforts to keep the won artificially weak. But traders say that doesnt mean foreign exchange authorities have changed their stance. While the pair has receded to below KRW930, it could rebound to above that level easily if the authorities resume purchasing the greenback, on top of likely diminishing pressure from local exporters ahead, said a trader at a local bank. BONDS: U. S. Treasury prices closed higher overnight - with the 10-year note yield at a 10-month low - as investors responded to weak manufacturing data and a rise in weekly jobless claims. Midday Thursday in New York, the benchmark 10-year note hit a yield of 4.46, a level it had flirted with throughout the session, after a much weaker-than-expected manufacturing survey from the Chicago region in the morning. Those data raised concerns about tonights national report on manufacturing activity in November, as the Chicago report is taken by some as a proxy for the national report. Price gains last night were also fueled by the mornings jobless claims, which came in higher than expected for the week ended Nov. 25. Treasury prices climbed into the afternoon session, as investors continued to price in the mornings weak economic numbers. While analysts said the move up in prices was mostly tied to the Chicago purchasing managers index, investors were also encouraged by the fact we got through 4.50 (on the 10-year) and held onto that, said Carl Lantz, fixed-income strategist at Credit Suisse. Now, were just holding onto the gains and waiting for ISM, said Lantz. Japanese government bond investors are now are focusing on key economic indicators due today, including the nationwide consumer price index, which could cap further gains in government debt. If the CPI data come out significantly strong - as the industrial output numbers did - investors could once again increase bets for a rate hike in December, Fisco analyst Hiroyuki Kubota said. This could push the policy-sensitive five-year cash JGB yield up again toward the 1.230 level (from 1.190 around 0600 GMT), he said. Analysts will also be focusing on household spending data, due at the same time as the CPI, to gauge the strength of consumer spending, because it is one of the key elements to be used for revised gross domestic product data due in early December. Thursday, November 23, 2006 DL Asian Morning Briefing 23/11 ASIAN OUTLOOK U. S. SUMMARY Markets in Japan close today for Labor Thanksgiving Day. STOCKS: NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Wall Street stocks finished slightly higher overnight ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday as Dell surged on positive earnings news, restructuring plans gave Alcoa a boost, and General Motors came under some selling pressure. On the downside, you had a weaker than expected number from the University of Michigan consumer sentiment index, and you also had disappointing news about GM, said Nick Perry, equities analyst at Schaeffers Investment Research, On the flip side, you had positive numbers from Dell which boosted that stock and helped the tech indices. In Hong Kong, although a strong Chinese banking sector and other China-related shares helped the market to its highest closing level yesterday, analysts expect strong resistance at the 19,500 level, given already expensive valuations for many index stocks. The Hang Seng Index has been way overbought. Its getting a bit crazy at this moment, with no signs of cautiousness on the part of investors, said Peter Lai, a director at DBS Vickers. There seems to still be considerable interest in Chinese shares despite the earlier gains, Lai said. In China itself, the Shanghai Composite Index set a new five-year closing high, and analysts there expect more before the end of the year. Fund managers have shifted their focus on some laggards like ports from previous market leaders such as banks, said Liu Yisong, an analyst at Galaxy Securities. The Australian market also continues to be busy, yesterday helped higher by news of an audacious takeover attempt on Qantas, and dealers say the market is likely to remain strong. Clearly, the markets going up, said Southern Cross Equities director Charlie Aitken. If Qantas can attract private equity interest then just about the entire Australian market is in play. A fall in oil prices overnight should offer support to the regions share markets. New York crude futures fell in light trading, after the U. S. Department of Energy said crude oil and gasoline stockpiles both rose more than analysts had expected. On metals markets, platinum futures closed sharply lower in New York, while gold and silver futures gave up early gains when crude oil fell. Fresh trade and institutional investor selling pushed London Metal Exchange copper back into negative territory, with only zinc holding onto gains. Black Friday, when retailers offer discounts on the day following Thanksgiving, will provide fresh clues about how U. S. consumers are faring amid the declining wealth effect from a fast-falling housing market. According to Kevin Kruszenski, director of equity trading at KeyBanc Capital, only some sectors of the U. S. share market will see some weakness should the sales fall short of expectations. But the broad market can continue rising even after disappointing sales, Kruszenski said, because weve got pretty strong demand for stocks. As long as the general economy is slowing but not screeching to a halt, the market can continue moving up, he said. FOREX: The dollar dropped to a five-and-a-half month low against the euro and a two-month low versus the yen last night after short-term investors liquidated positions to reduce risk ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. Disappointing data on weekly U. S. jobless claims and a below-forecast consumer sentiment survey fueled pessimism on the U. S. economic outlook, pushing the dollar down more. The euro reached an intraday high of 1.2958, its highest level since it peaked around 1.2980 in June and not far from the psychologically important 1.30 level, unseen in the past 19 months. But the dollar clawed back some ground by the time it exited active trading in New York, as investors viewed the dollars drop as overdone. Thin markets tend to exaggerate currency movements. David Woo, director and head of foreign exchange strategy at Barclays Capital in London, said it was probably short-term investors that played the key role in bringing down the dollar. Many speculators had been short on the euro - meaning they were betting that the euro would decline, he said. It was probably the unwinding of these positions ahead of Thanksgiving that caused the dollar to fall. This may have caused a snowball effect as more speculators sought to liquidate, said Woo. A move of (Wednesdays) magnitude shows that the short-term players can move the markets, Woo said. Late yesterday, the Japanese government downgraded its assessment for the Japanese economy as consumption failed to add to gross domestic product growth in the third quarter. In its monthly economic assessment, the government described the outlook for private consumption as generally flat. The downgrade, the first in 23 months, was widely expected as rumors of the adjustment had circulated prior to the report, and it failed to halt the dollars decline against the yen. The Chinese yuan is likely to continue gaining after the dollars overnight falls, although traders say the yuans gains are likely to be restricted in the near term because of holidays coming up and the Chinese central banks stable yuan policy. Market players in South Korea are wary of possible intervention by the Korean authorities that could limit the dollars downside against the won for the time being. While (dollar) selling pressure from exporters is likely to grow ahead of month-end, players wont likely go short near KRW932, given aggressive (dollar purchases) by the government last week, says one local bank trader. BONDS: U. S. Treasurys meandered into last nights early market close with modest gains after a choppy morning of trading. Key economic releases will preoccupy some Asian markets today. Traders in Malaysia expect yields to slip one or two basis points today but warn that some long-unwinding may occur shortly before the release of third quarter GDP data that some fear may surprise on the upside. Malaysias trade-driven economy is generally expected to have grown at a slightly slower pace in the third quarter, while the inflation rate likely held steady last month, economists say. The forecasts, if accurate, will likely mean that the central bank will leave its benchmark interest rate unchanged when it meets next week. Singapore releases consumer inflation data for October, expectations that inflation remained below the governments target range as oil and transportation costs eased. And GDP in Taiwan is expected to have eased for a second straight quarter in the July-September period, as political uncertainty cut personal consumption although exports remained strong. Last nights session-ending gains in the U. S. were spread across the yield curve. The tepid close to the session came amid the release of economic reports that ultimately failed to leave a large mark on trading. The bond market closes at 1900 GMT tonight for the U. S. Thanksgiving Day holiday. Traders have a short day tomorrow night, but liquidity is traditionally very low on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Prices - virtually unchanged prior to the release of weekly jobless claims - pushed up a touch after claims came in higher than expected, suggesting some slackening in labor conditions. The government said claims increased by 12,000 to 321,000 in the week ended Nov. 18, versus expectations of a 2,000 gain. The movements in the number of new filers this year have been modest and trendless, as the four-week moving average continues to hold very close to 315,000, RBS Greenwich chief economist Steve Stanley said. Treasurys held higher after the final November reading of the University of Michigan consumer sentiment came in lower than expected. The full-month report on consumer sentiment moved to 92.1 in November, from 93.6 in October. The index had been expected to come in at a reading of 93.0. But overall, data didnt push Treasurys very far, with economic numbers this week not very compelling in either direction, according to George Goncalves, Treasurys trading strategist at Banc of America Securities in New York. Were at the lower end of the range, Goncalves said, and have ground gently to these levels. No ones going to take on a major risk position ahead of a long holiday break. Wednesday, November 22, 2006 DJ Asian Morning Briefing 22/11 ASIAN OUTLOOK U. S. SUMMARY: STOCKS: Stocks inched higher on Wall Street in a session that saw Google sprint past the 500 mark for the first time, Boeing benefit from a new pact and Apple shares hit a record. There was a mixed bag of information, with a couple of positive earnings reports from companies like Deere and Medtronic helping offset some of the negative impact of higher oil prices, said Daniel Morgan, portfolio manager at Synovus Investment Advisors. Stocks fluctuated between positive and negative all day and trading volumes were light. Google (Nasdaq) jumped 3 to 509.65, another milestone for the Internet titans stock. The current share price is nearly six times Googles 85 IPO price. Dow component Boeing climbed 2.2 to 91.10, a new high, after Korean Air said it inked a deal to buy 25 aircraft from the aerospace giant. Apple Computer (Nasdaq) rose 2.5 to 88.60, hitting a new high as investors got behind the companys stock following some recent analyst speculation about iPod sales in the holiday season, along with the belief that Apple is close to getting into the mobile-phone market. The U. S. market will be open tonight, closed tomorrow for the Thanksgiving holiday and open for only a half-day on Friday. But the shortened trading week could still be a good one for the market, if history is any indication. The Thanksgiving week is frequently an up week for the marke t, and it would be tough to bet against that this year, given the underlying bullish tone, Dick Green, president of Briefing, said in a note. Nevertheless, there is increased talk that the nonstop rally since mid-July is getting a bit long in the tooth. The trend remains your friend, but we are keeping a close watch for signs that any sort of correction might hit over the next couple of months. Oil prices should weigh on the regions markets after New York crude futures settled above 60 a barrel for the first time in nearly two weeks, boosted as strong winds cut three-quarters of the output from the Trans Alaska pipeline. The Tokyo share market may remain under pressure going into tomorrows Thanksgiving Labor Day holiday, after results from sector heavyweight Mizuho Financial Group weighed on banking stocks yesterday. The weak performance of large-cap banking shares, normally the preserve of big institutional investors, and small-cap indexes favored by retail traders, indicated sentiment remains fragile and could flag more consolidation ahead for the Topix and Nikkei, say traders. Its still pretty ugly out there. Mizuhos results werent terrible, but people have got doubts about earnings for the rest of the year and especially for the banking sector, said James Hong, head of equity derivative trading at Dresdner Kleinwort in Tokyo. But in Hong Kong, the Chinese property sector may continue to outperform in the near term, analysts say, following strong home sales in the high season of September and October, aggressive expansion of developers land holdings and expectations the yuan would continue appreciating against the U. S. dollar. Chinas benchmark Shanghai Composite Index made a new five-year closing high yesterday. The market could rise more with smaller capitalized stocks catching up with the recent jump in big caps, says Yu Yang, an analyst at Guotai Junan Securities. But the bullish run may end around the end of this month, as institutions will likely take profit from big caps. Metals were mostly higher on world markets. December gold and silver both rose on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, while platinum futures were volatile, first soaring sharply higher but eventually turning south and finishing with a loss. Base metals were higher across the complex at the London Metal Exchange on short-covering, with trading volume light. FOREX: The dollar weakened modestly overnight in largely aimless pre-Thanksgiving trading. After starting the day little changed, the dollar ambled higher during the morning session in New York only to reverse course shortly thereafter. Comments from Federal Reserve Governor Kevin Warsh indicating that inflation risks remain a concern had little effect on the dollar. Rather, the greenback made its final move of the day following the release of the Bush administrations downwardly revised growth and inflation forecasts for 2006. The U. S. data calendar isnt crowded the day before Thanksgiving, with only the University of Michigans final October reading of its sentiment survey and initial unemployment claims for the week ended Nov. 18 scheduled for release. The dollar did show some reaction to the Bush administrations lowered forecast for both U. S. economic growth and consumer price inflation for 2006 released late in the day. The U. S. gross domestic product, adjusted for inflation, is now expected to grow 3.1 this year, down five-tenths of a percentage point from the Bush administrations forecast released in July. In 2005, the U. S. economy expanded at a rate of 3.5. The administration also said it expects growth to slow even further next year and inflation to tick up. Though the dollar slipped on the back of the release, the move was relatively modest. Thats been the routine lately, said Andrew Busch, global market strategist at BMO Capital Markets. The dollar makes a move in one direction, then pulls back, staying inside its ranges. Traders in China say a local stock market boom and regulatory changes are draining supplies of the Chinese yuan, increasing the likelihood the currency will rise this week. The yuan should rise because supply of the currency is tight, said a Shanghai-based dealer with a foreign bank, adding that more yuan is being bought to accommodate the amount going into the mainland stock market and bank reserves. The South Korean won closed marginally lower against the U. S. dollar yesterday, with traders suspecting the central bank intervened to defend the greenback at KRW935. For today, traders expect the dollar to trade between KRW933.0 and KRW938.0. The pair seems to get caught in a narrow range in the mid-KRW930s, given possible government intervention below KRW935 and likely month-end export settlements near KRW938, said a trader at a local bank. BONDS: U. S. Treasury prices ended slightly higher last night, as a hefty chunk of corporate issuance stimulated the market in the absence of key economic data or much in the way of fresh commentary from Federal Reserve speakers. Markets in Asia are likely to be rangebound ahead of Thanksgiving holidays in the U. S. and Japan tomorrow. Prices bounced around in a tight range in the U. S. falling a touch early on after somewhat hawkish comments from Federal Reserve Governor Kevin Warsh, and then gaining into the afternoon, with the 10-year up 5/32 to yield 4.58 and the 30-year up 10/32 to yield 4.67. The yield curve was left at -18 basis points, near its late 2000 low of -20. David Ader, strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital in Greenwich, Conn., attributed the afternoon upswing to a corporate mortgage-backed securities pricing of around 3 billion. Scott Gewirtz, head of Treasury trading at Lehman Brothers, also said buying was driven by investors who had gotten short at the top of the range and were forced to cover, meaning they bet prices would fall further and were forced to buy after the price decline reversed itself. Weve seen a little buying today, Gewirtz said, but its been a relatively quiet day. Gewirtz sees the 10-year note holding in a 4.55-4.70 range until next weeks data, which include personal income and spending figures. With the Thanksgiving holiday Thursday, strategists say the outlook for the U. S. bond market for the remainder of the week should be for trade in a tight range. The market is fairly priced, and will need really weak economic numbers or really strong ones to move it off its base, said Kevin Giddis, managing director for fixed income at Morgan Keegan Co. in Memphis, Tenn. SG current high at 3447

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